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TorontoJS TL;DR Issue #12

On the 10th day of JS, Brendan Eich gave to me...

It is that time of the year again where our favorite songs get stuck in our heads

It is also a time of fun challenges and quick projects, so brush up your IDE and terminal and jump in on the advent calendars below!

Happy holidays and happy coding!

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Community Showcase

Shout out to Michal Svatos’ new version of their Star Trek Pi-hole theme! 🖖

You can find out more on the LinkedIn post:

If you need a public domain music to give back to all those call centers and scams put someone on hold, you are in luck with Gregory’s PBX hold music:

On a nice community effort to debug Lazar’s astro course (you should check it out!) we found out about some quirks with better-sqlite3 and the sqlite3:// protocol on some node versions. More on Liz’ post on LinkedIn.

Still on a similar topic, check out Lazar’s videos on neovim: