Next.js vs Remix
In the category of bulky backend frameworks that solve problems React introduced, new problems are afoot.
Kent C. Dodds, contributor to the Remix framework wrote an article titled “Why I Won’t Use Next.js”, which, if you’re a user of either Next.js or React is worth reading. In my opinion it reflects shifting opinion against Next and React pretty well, including the growing influence of Vercel, a company that’s paid its way into the Frontend developer’s mindshare.
Is Next.js or React going away? Of course not! But it’s a glimpse in the shifting mindset highly popular technology stacks go through as they first win everyone’s hearts, but eventually gain a growing resentment which makes room for new upstarts that don’t have all their predecessor’s baggage. And so the wheel turns.
Upcoming TorontoJS Events
- Thursday, November 9th - React, Graphs, Realtime, Embeds - JS Tech Talk Night - in person!
- Wednesday, November 15th - TorontoJS Social - in person!
- November 26nd - JS Social: OpenTTD online - Love public transit? Play a 30 year old game together, online!
Other events happening in Toronto
All happening on November 7th, make your pick!
- DSA Technical Interview Prep
- Cracking the A11y Code: Web Accessibility Basics for Beginners
- Civic hacknight #418 - Human-centred housing initiatives at the City
Also most Saturdays, Mob Programming. Next one November 4th!
Community Showcase
Hacktoberfest has wrapped up! While we’re all sad about the end of the hacktoberfest t-shirts, this didn’t stop people from contributing to open source projects anyway!
Special thanks to Ibrahim Ahmed and Kieran Huggins from upgrading the TorontoJS website from the React 15 gutter all the way to React 18, and making the most amazing 404 page ever.
Ahmadreza Shamimi writes about Advancing Color Coding with OKLCH: A Leap Beyond RGBA. The new way to describe colors with the catchiest name!
Jacky Tea has been working on a mock stock market MERN application and is looking for contributors. Read more about it on his Slack message or check out the code on github.
Jen Chan tried to launch a new channel on software architecture, but due to unclear requirements this has turned into a place to discuss the design of buildings. If you want to help get that train back on the rails, or discuss your favourite McMansion, join!
Support TorontoJS
If you happen to have a few bucks laying around or would just want to help our community to grow and maintain itself, head to our Open Collective page and make a contribution!